So -- Announcing! -- I am inviting you-all, the wise and wonderful unwashed internet, to come hang out and listen to music with me, on my... odd-cast...
IJY is the Imagination Junkyard, and once a month I wanna go through and play selections from my profligate and ridiculously diverse back catalog, music I've been making & recording for decades, folk music, psychedelic stuff, soundtracks and music for the stage, electro-pop... there's a lot of it.
So here's the first one, its an hour long. I'm loosely organizing the program around whichever zodiac sign we're entering -- so as the sun moves through Sagittarius, lets take a moment and consider music that speaks to the attributes of that archetypal archer... active, on the hunt, half bestial and wild himself, roving far, far and wide... we're in the waning days before the darkest night and cold is creeping in everywhere. Topics we'll cover include: the French Revolutionary calendar reforms, the life and death of Saint Barbara, heck -- theres a tune on here from Elias Howe's 1843 'The Complete Preceptor for the Accordeon'. Enjoy!
This episode includes:
1. Putamadre presents: Music of the Oil Lands - ‘IRAQ’
2. Greasy Coat Productions - ‘From Grand Central to Woodside’
3. from The Tell Tale Heart - ‘Buonaparte Crossing the Rhine’
4. unreleased, ‘Black Manta - Liberation!’
5. from Goodbye Sally, Goodbye Sue - ‘Twelfth Eve’
6. from Over the Hills & Far Away - ‘Whiskey You’re the Devil’
7. from Get Your Penny’s Worth - ‘Oh Sister Phoebe.’
8. Greasy Coat Productions - ‘Santabarbara’
9. from The Tell Tale Heart - ‘Santa Anna’s Retreat’
10. from The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot - ‘Holmes Runs the Voodoo Down’
11. Greasy Coat Productions - ‘Battle of Nong Sarai’
12. unreleased, ‘Charming Betsy’